Currently viewing the category: "Veggie Group"

peppers  Click for pepper recipes

We offer a few varieties of sweet peppers that grow nicely at the warmer sandier soils of the Lewis Rd farm. You may see green bell peppers, Padron peppers or Corno di Toro peppers. Some can be eaten raw and in salads, others for stuffing, roasting, soup, stews, relishes or pickling.

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potatoes  Click for potato recipes

We grow several varieties of potatoes, including Sangre, Romanze, and Desiree, all heirloom varieties.

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Walk into many a taqueria and there they are. Sitting next to the pickled jalapenos and the lime chunks, there is usually a bowl of radishes. I asked a friend of mine, who is of Mexican descent, about why this is, and she did not have a concrete answer. Her surmise is about the same as mine-they are cheerful looking and look nice on a plate, and the cool crunch and hint of heat are welcome foils for the sometimes oily meats and density of refried beans.

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romanesco  Click for Romanesco recipes

Romanesco broccoli is not really a true broccoli, it’s more properly classified as a cauliflower and is referred to both ways.  If you think that veggies are boring, wait until you look at the amazing  ”fractal” design in these beauties.  AND they are delicious!

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Spinach  Click for spinach recipes

We offer spinach both bunched and loose at different times of the year. Packed with nutrition and flavor, spinach can be quickly steamed or boiled. Or it can be served raw as a spinach salad.

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summer squash  Click for summer squash recipes

We offer several different varieties of summer squash in our CSA boxes.  You may find zucchini, patty pan or cousa squash during our summer months.

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field pumpkins 2010

Click for winter squash recipes

Winter squash comes in shapes round and elongated, scalloped and pear-shaped with flesh that ranges from golden-yellow to brilliant orange. Winter squashes have hard, thick skins and only the flesh is eaten. They take longer to mature than summer squash and are best harvested once the cool weather of fall sets in. They can be stored for months in a cool basement-hence the name “winter” squash.

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strawberry closeup  Click for strawberry recipes

The varieties grow on the High Ground farm are Seascape and Albion.  Both varieties are excellent for our cool off shore climate and both are excellent to the  taste buds.

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Tomatoes  Click for tomato recipes

We have been offering Beefsteak and Early Girl tomatoes in our CSA boxes during the warmer months.

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Turnips are a root vegetable commonly associated with potatoes or beets, but their closest relatives are radishes and arugula, which are also members of the mustard family. They are packed with Vitamin C.

We offer purple-top turnips and Tokyo turnips.

Purple top turnips are a larger variety.

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