This is the basic prep for most fava bean recipes. 


However many fava beans you have, in the pod
2 tablespoons salt


Bring a pot of water to a boil that will be at least twice the volume of the shelled beans you will have. Once boiling, add the salt.

While the water comes to a boil, slit the fava pods and remove the beans.

When you are ready to blanch the beans, half fill a bowl with ice and then add water and salt. Stir in the salt. (Salt will lower the temperature even beyond what the ice will do.)

When the water is boiling add the favas and blanch briefly (large favas about 60 second, little ones for 30 seconds). They will turn brighter.

Drain the beans and immerse in cold water to arrest the cooking.

Use a thumbnail to break the skin of the bean a little and then “pinch” the bean to eject it from the skin. Place the beans in a bowl and set aside.

They can now be used or you can store them in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator. Use within 24 hours.

Yield: 2 pounds of favas will yield between ½ to ¾ pound of favas, or around 1 cup.

Source: Chef Andrew E Cohen


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