I have always tried to come up with interesting ways to use the leaves of celery besides dumping them in stock. Here’s one that is a nice topping for grilled fish like salmon or sword, or to top pork chops or lamb meat balls.


4 stalks celery, strings removed with a knife, or simply peel the length of the stalk, sliced very thinly on a long diagonal
4 scallions, trimmed and cleaned, sliced very thinly on a long diagonal
¼ cup loosely packed pale celery leaves from the heart (use scissors or a sharp paring knife to cut the leaves away from the stalk)
¼ cup flat leaf parsley leaves, trimmed from stalks
2-3 tablespoons very small marjoram leaves
2-3 tablespoons very smallest basil leaves, ½-inch at largest
½ cup microgreens
½ cup Meyer Vinaigrette, or as needed (see recipe)
Salt and pepper to taste (light on the pepper)


Drizzle a little dressing into a large non-reactive bowl and add the celery and scallions. Toss to coat lightly. Add the rest of the ingredients, except the dressing, season lightly with salt and pepper, and drizzle with enough dressing to just moisten the salad. Gently toss to dress, taste and adjust for salt or dressing if needed.

Use right away.

Chef’s Notes: Besides using to top salmon, make an unusual version of Insalata Caprese with this instead of basil leaves. Be sure to use soft mozzarella or burrata.

Serves: 4

Source: Chef Andrew E Cohen

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