Fattoush dressings, like many other Mid-East dressings are loose with a higher acid to oil ratio than French influenced vinaigrettes. There are many, many variations, just as the salad itself varies from place to place. Use this dressing on tabbouleh, Israeli Salad, fish, chicken kebabs, or shrimp.


1 small to medium clove garlic, grated with a ginger grater* or Microplane to a paste

3 ounces lemon juice

5 ounces olive oil

1-3 teaspoons sumac powder, or to taste**

Salt and pepper to taste



Put the garlic and salt and pepper into non-reactive bowl. Add the lemon juice and stir. Add the sumac and stir. Allow the flavors to marry 5-10 minutes. Whisk in the oil.

The dressing will separate, so shake well or stir just before using.

Chef’s Notes: *Ginger graters are stellar for reducing ginger to a threadless paste, as well as for garlic. You can get them in ceramic, stainless steel, and a very coarse one of bamboo. Forget about the latter, and look for the first two. The steel is bomb-proof, and can be used for grating other things like blocks of Mexican chocolate into a very fine dust. The ceramic ones are fine for ginger and garlic, but can be a little harder to clean, and will shatter if dropped. Look for them in Japanese markets as well as restaurant supply houses.

Yield: Around 1 cup dressing

Source: Chef Andrew E Cohen

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