The lemon brings out the brightness in the mustard, and the sesame adds a slightly sweet/nutty flavor with random spots of crunch that plays well with the mustard.


1 bunch mustard greens, stemmed, torn or cut into smaller pieces and washed and drained

½ white or yellow onion, finely diced

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 lemon (preferably Meyer, organic, and un-waxed), zested, and 2-3 tablespoons juice

1/8th teaspoon Piment D’Espelette, or other mildly spicy, chili powder, or to taste (the amount should bring a mild heat or tingle, but not a lasting burn)

Salt and pepper to taste

Neutral flavored oil as needed



Heat a 10-inch skillet over medium-low. Film with oil and sauté onion until melting. Add the garlic and cook until fragrant and soft.

Turn up heat to medium, and when alliums start to sizzle, scatter the chili over the pan bottom. When you can smell it, add the mustard greens and turn using tongs, incorporating the alliums and chili into the greens. Cook gently until the greens wilt and are just tender.

When the greens are wilted, season with salt and pepper, scatter with the zest, and add 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Turn to coat the greens with the juice. Taste and add the more juice if needed. Cook 1 minute. Plate and reduce any liquid in the pan to a syrup, then pour over greens. Scatter with sesame seeds and serve.

Serves: 4

Source: Chef Andrew E Cohen

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