Let’s get this straight right off the bat. This is not a “light” dressing as in low-cal or dietetic. It is light in that it uses both regular and white balsamic vinegars for a lighter flavor and color. This is for when you want that wonderful complexity of flavor you get from balsamic vinegar, but you don’t want something as forthright as a straight-up balsamic vinaigrette, or there are elements of the salad that already have some balsamic vinegar.


1 small clove garlic, peeled
½ tablespoon minced shallot
½ teaspoon fresh thyme or marjoram (or a combo of both), minced
Salt and pepper to taste
1½ tablespoons balsamic vinegar
2½ tablespoons white balsamic vinegar
¾ cup light flavored olive oil (or use 2:1 ratio of grapeseed oil with a full flavored olive oil)


Rub the mixing bowl with the garlic hard enough to leave streaks of garlic oil on the bowl. When the oil has dried, add the shallot, salt and pepper, and herbs to the bowl, then add the vinegars. Allow flavors to marry 15 minutes at least.

Whisk in the oil in a thin steady stream until it is all used and the dressing is emulsified. Taste for balance and adjust as needed.

Dressing is ready for use. Store in refrigerator for 1 week or more.

Yield: Around 1 cup

Source: Chef Andrew E Cohen



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