1 small clove garlic, peeled

½ teaspoon minced/pulverized shallot

Salt and pepper to taste

1 pinch of fresh thyme leaves, minced, or a smallish pinch of dried thyme leaves

¼ cup flat leaf parsley, leaves only, coarsely chopped

¼ cup white balsamic vinegar

¾ cup mild flavored olive oil



Rub a good sized non-reactive bowl with the whole garlic clove until you see some streaks left in the bowl and the bowl is lightly fragrant with garlic. Add the vinegar, and then the salt and pepper and shallot. Allow to macerate 10-15 minutes.

Add the thyme and whisk ingredients together.

In a slow steady stream, whisk in the oil, emulsifying as you go. When you have half the oil in the bowl. Add the parsley and whisk in. Return to whisking in the oil until the dressing is emulsified or all the oil is used up. Taste for balance and adjust if necessary. Use right away, or put in refrigerator until needed.

Yield: Around 1 cup and a little change

Source: Chef Andrew E Cohen

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