STEPHEN PEDERSEN and JEANNE BYRNE – It’s hard to believe that it’s been eight years since we started Two Small Farms. We will always be grateful to Julia and Andy for all that this partnership has done for us—all that we’ve learned from them, all the times we were able to depend on Andy to come up with a truly remarkable essay for the newsletter, Julia’s untiring drive to find good recipes among her vast cookbook collection, and the way that together we really were able to come up with something that was more than the sum of its parts.

As our two small farm businesses have grown, we’ve started to more often find that we had more crops in common that we both wanted to grow. While the Two Small Farms model still had lots of benefits, we all realized that we could in some ways do a better job serving our subscribers if we didn’t always have to work around what the other farm wanted to put in the box. Steve and Andy got into farming, after all, so that they could be their own bosses.

Going forward, we honestly feel that both farms can give you an even better variety of the freshest, tastiest, and most nutritious vegetables and fruits you can buy. We’re approaching crop planning for next year with renewed excitement, as each farmer gets to grow things he hasn’t been able to for awhile. Rest assured that both our farms will continue to provide the same level of quality into the future.

We understand that this change may raise concerns, and we want you to know that both farms are offering the same program for next year—no big changes, and we’ll make sure every one of you who is currently getting vegetables will be able to continue. You can even sign up the same way. We will continue to have the same Two Small Farms website and phone number through the transition period, and Shelley will be there to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Finally, we appreciate all the support that you as a community have given us to be able to grow local organic food on a diverse small farm model. It is truly a community supported agriculture project and we hope that you will continue to consider us your two small farms, regardless of which farm is serving your pick-up site next year.

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