Farm Picture Essay
For today’s essay, here are some recent pictures from the farm. At lef
t, a scrub jay in the orchard on a misty morning.
At right, our goats enjoying some beets leftover from Sunday’s Mountain View Farmers Market. This goat’s new name is Redbeard!
And here is Magpie, the quintessential farm cat, among the celery transplants on the flatbed truck, and settled in on the tractor in the workshop. We have several cats, but Magpie takes her farm cat role seriously. She follows Steve around when he’s here on the home farm, and can often be found curled up on a tractor seat or in the cab or bed of one of the farm trucks. She particularly loves when people are standing around outside shooting the breeze. She will stand on Steve’s feet or solicit pets from the visitors, and she is typically the first one to greet any newcomer to the farm (and jump in their vehicle if they’re not vigilant).
Our oregano
patch has gone to flower, and Steve was mowing it down so that the new young oregano shoots will come up for the next oregano harvest. As he was out there, using the push mower for this particular task so as not to disturb the drip irrigation lines, he couldn’t help but notice all the bees that were visiting the oregano flowers. Then he came upon one of these stunning garden spiders. Since we have more oregano in that patch than we can ever sell, he decided to leave a couple beds of the flowering oregano for the beneficial insects and arachnids to enjoy.
Have a wonderful week.
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